Sting (Part 5)

Bee stings are fatal only on rare occasion. Those with a severe allergy can be sent into anaphylactic shock. Swelling. Nausea. Vomiting. Shortness of breath. Confusion. A drop in blood pressure. Unconsciousness. When Winifred’s body is found, it is far too late for medical attention to be of any use. She was taken by a…

Sting (Part 4)

Winifred stares at him, from her station behind the computer. He’s wearing a black knit sweater, and is exactly what Winifred thinks she wants, though is in her mind too good for her. His nose tucked in the thickest of the large pile of books set before him. At the table where the sunlight filters…

Sting (Part 3)

Winifred meets Price at the haunted house, though he’d insisted on driving. The bus ride had been unpleasant, and now she stands shivering outside, grinding her teeth and rubbing the pocket of her sweater between her thumb and forefinger. “Winifred,” it comes from behind her and she jumps, ” oh sorry, I didn’t mean to…

Sting (Part 2)

Price had never signed up for a gym membership before. But it seemed a lot of things were changing for him. He looks up at the big sign above the counter: WINDS. Some oversized biceps in a polo shirt search for the paperwork. Glancing down, Price can tell this guy skips leg-day. “Here you go…

Sting (Part 1)

Winifred, Winnie to those who know her, does indeed work at the library. But today she walks the aisles of the bookstore. She finds security in owning a book, and not having to return it a week later. Winifred, though only twenty years old, dyes her hair gray. Today it drapes in a ponytail over…

Monday Morsel: 10 Ways to Escape the Blah

“To do good you actually have to do something.” Yvon Chouinard You know what I’m talking about. When nothing is really wrong, you just feel… blah. Not a great place to be. I like writing lists, so I sat down and wrote a list of ways to shrug off the apathetic plague. 1. Candles: good…

Research on Fear

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Interesting question, right? Some might say inspiring. This post is a little different than my usual. I know things have been kind of slow lately, and my excuse for it is because I’ve been busy with some longer works and personal projects. And if I’m being honest, I’ve…

Monday Morsel: Hold On Forever

General Conference this weekend was fantastic as usual. (If you missed it, click here.) There were so many wonderful talks, but one of the thoughts that stuck out to me was from our newest apostle, in his testimony: “Something wonderful happens in a missionary’s service, when he or she realizes the calling isn’t about him…

What is PEDS?

A brief explanation on what I’ve been working on this month. PEDS: Poem Every Day in September   I have been uploading a poem onto my YouTube channel almost every day this month. Why? Well let us explore why this blog exists, shall we? It started because people wanted to hear about my adventures whilst…

If There is a God: PEDS 11

If there is a God, life wouldn’t be such a hell. But how could he who knows your strength stop you from living to your fullest potential? He loves you far too much to stop you from winning this battle. If there is a God, I wouldn’t be suffocating in this darkness. Torches aren’t burned…

The Way I See It: PEDS 10

This isn’t actually a poem. It is a text I sent to a friend awhile back. But it came to mind today, so I hunted it down and decided it fit what I wanted to say. I see my life the way I write. Everything behind me is my novel. Printed, I can go back…

Thank You: PEDS 9

Thank you. Yes, you. Thank you for staying. For being here today. It’s been over a decade now, but many people were lost on this day. More have been lost everyday since. Some by choice, others in a blur, but every single one felt. You are still here, and that is worth being grateful for….